Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Green Man

This public art installation was conceived by sculptor Kathryn Jordan and artist Cliff Wright and was commissioned by the Brighton and Hove Arts Commission in Southeast England. The commanding , living sculpture is intriguing to me as an amalgamation of our ideas of flesh, soil, flora, and soul. The idea that the sculpture seems to be reaching out from within the earth, to display the earth, is a powerful and intriguing image. This, in my opinion, is the type of public art that truly engages the public. It is living, growing, changing, integrating, and adapting to it's setting; unlike the iconic, monolithic sculptures made famous by artists such as Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Burren.

Here are a couple more of Kathryn Jordan's living sculptures (giant Chia Pets?)


Anonymous said...

as one green man to another = you rock , and are well on your way to inspiring me to be greener and greener...please see www.greenmanconcept.com

Carbon Productions said...
